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The work newfound popularity, whilst justified, opened up some problems inherent with any website that allows open and unmoderated commenting. One Reddit comment, from user dx27, exclaimed are white people so violent? ignoring the fact that the genocide was predominately the result of a conflict between the Hutu and Tutsi tribes of Rwanda.Another, from HarleyLowSpeed, said will be awkward at Father Day.This democratic process means that the most useful or witty comments will appear at the top of the comments section (in this case it a comment from user BarefootedHoodNinja pointing out the original source of the article), whereas comments that are deemed less useful or worthy appear at the bottom, or are hidden altogether if they receive too many negative votes.One other website where the story was posted orders comments in order of date, and the comment LOOK LIKE THERE WAS MUCH RAPE IN RWANDA LOL appears at the top.Other news outlets still adapting to new media, for example the Herald Sun wesbsite, feature similar examples and often ignorant or rushed comments appear at the top of the page.One such example has as its top comment, of Melbourne, Enjoy,and please stay there you are where we would like all economic refugees to be. Media still has much to teach the dogs and hopefully this includes a way to ensure that priority is given to thoughtful, provoking comments, and not the offensive or redundant junk that often appears today Cheap Jerseys china.


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